Wolfenstein CloneDVD AVENGED
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!!! CloneDVD !!!
NAME.: Wolfenstein
COMPANY.: Activision PROTECTION.: Securom
DATE.: 18 August 2009 GAME TYPE..: Shooter
Wolfenstein brings the Nazi s dark obsession with the occult to life
with epic action and harrowing shooter combat. Use a powerful arsenal
of both definitive and occult-enhanced Axis & Allied weapons to beat
back a supernatural Nazi force that is full of surprises. You play as
BJ Blazkowicz, a highly decorated member of the Office of Secret
Actions (OSA). You are sent on a special mission into the heart of the
Reich to investigate evidence that the Nazis may possess a new and
mysterious power. While behind enemy lines, you discover the Nazis
have done much more than develop a new toy. The Nazis are harnessing
the power of the Black Sun through a dark parallel dimension called
The Veil; in order to create a weapon of war-ending mass destruction.
You are the only one that can stop them and save the world from their
perverse domination.
* Betriebssystem: Windows XP oder Vista mit DirectX 9.0c
* Prozessor: Pentium 4 @ 3,2 GHz oder Athlon 64 3400+
* Hauptspeicher: 1 GB RAM
* Grafikkarte: nVidia Geforce 6800 GT oder ATI Radeon X800 mit 256 MB
* Festplattenspeicher: 8 GB plus 800 MB für die Windows-Auslagerungsdatei
* Laufwerk: DVD
* Internet: Breitbandanbindung für den Mehrspielermodus
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