
tb Pocahontas Princess of Powhatan v1 02 OUTLAWS TopBytes(dot)net

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Name:tb Pocahontas Princess of Powhatan v1 02 OUTLAWS TopBytes(dot)net torrent

Total Size: 59.14 MB

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Leechers: 0

Downloaded: 6

Torrent added: 2009-08-27 06:41:43

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tb Pocahontas Princess of Powhatan v1 02 OUTLAWS TopBytes(dot)net (Size: 59.14 MB) (Files: 14)

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Torrent description

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_______ ___ __ _ pk/iMP
_____________________________________________________. ._____________
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\__: __/__ __\___ ___/__ ____\__ / __/__ __\___ \__/ /
_ /____ /______ /____ /_______ /____ /______ /
/_____________________ _ __ _____________ _
\________________ /
/ /
/ / P R O U D L Y P R E S E N T S
/ /
|\____/ /____________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _
| __ _____________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /
| / /
| / GAME ......... Pocahontas.Princess.of.Powhatan
| / VERSION # .... 1.02
| DEVELOPER .... Twintale
| DISKS ........ 13
|_________ DATE ......... 05/02/2009
____________________________________ ______ _____ ____ ___ __ _
________________________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /

_______ _________ _________ ______
/____ _\_____/ __ (_ _____( . (_
/_______\__/________ _|__________

Follow Pocahontas` incredible journey from the undiscovered
shores of the New World to the bustling metropolis of London!
Meet Captain John Smith as he first lands in Virginia, and
follow his romantic relationship with Pocahontas: Princess of
the Powhatan. Sail across the ocean to a mysterious and different
land. Explore countless Hidden Object locations as you lead
Pocahontas to her destiny!

If you like the game, support the developers and buy it!

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________________________________//_____//____//___//__//_/ // /

___________ _________________________________________
/____ _ (_ . (___ ___/ .___(___ ---/_
/___/_______ _________\________\__________/__'_______

UNZIP and UNRAR, then run the setup to install game, play from
desktop icon or installed dir

We currently have a position open for: CLOSED (We will find you)
greetings to: ViTALiTY / HTG / VACE / ROGUE / CRO / CRD / DVT

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_ . (____ | (_____ _/____ (_______ (____ / (____ _(____ /
: / | / / / / / / / /\__ /
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_ __ ___ ____ _____ ______ ________________________________
\ \_\__\___\____\_____\__________________________________


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