Bleach 224 HDTV 720p XviD ELEMENT avi 4970211 TPB
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Starting in June of 2009, elementStyle is bringing you the anime straight from the land of the rising sun, and subtitled in English. Some of you might ask a few questions, and I know what those questions are. So, why Bleach? It is a very well known anime, praised for its action and adventure aspects while bearing a level of drama that the young and the old can appreciate. What makes elementStyle different from the other well known Fan Sub groups out there? Nothing. This is a project and while you may or may not choose to watch our subtitles, we will be delivering it nonetheless. We pride ourselves on being quick, keeping it simple, and most of all giving it to you in its HD glory. Now, you may not be able to play most HD content on your computer, but this is where we draw the line.
Our episodes of Bleach will be in 720P HD format, kept in XvID codec. So while it is in 720p HD resolution, your computer does not need as much horse power to process an HD multiplex (*.mkv/*.ogm/*.mp4) video or a more advanced codec. In any case, it has always been up to you to decide.
History: We started out as RASENGAN bringing you both Naruto, Bleach and Eyeshield 21 but the project fell through due to real life issues. RASENGAN is reborn through elementStyle and shall carry on.