
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Three Harpsichord Concertos (London Baroque/Richard Egarr)

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Name:Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Three Harpsichord Concertos (London Baroque/Richard Egarr) torrent

Total Size: 302.67 MB

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Torrent added: 2009-08-23 09:10:39

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Wilhelm Friedemann Bach Three Harpsichord Concertos (London Baroque/Richard Egarr) (Size: 302.67 MB) (Files: 9)

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Torrent description

Concerto in F major, F.44
Concerto in A minor, F.45
Concerto in D major, F.41

Click to see cover picture

Performers: London Baroque / Harpsichord - Richard Egarr
Label: Harmonia Mundi France


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