Teen Titans III The Titans I (1989 1998)(joshua13)h33t
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Teen Titans (1964-2008)
Era III The Titans I
Some people expressed interest in this, Eventually I will go all the way to the present but I plan to mix things up a bit with other requests.
Like the Justice League, The Teen Titans/Titans form and break up and form again. Not always teenagers, and appropriately sometimes they were just called Titans, but always the younger counter-part to the Justice League. This is their third. In this era Dick Grayson was Nightwing. The status of Robin is one of the ways I divide these torretns. The group had gotten older so they dropped the word "Teen"
Lots about them here or there if you google. Click on either of the quotes below for more info
The Teen Titans began when Kid Flash, Robin, and Aqualad banded together top save the town of Happy Harbor from a villain calling himself “Mr. Twister.” Shortly afterward, the three of them met again, along with Wonder Girl and Speedy, battling an alien called the Antithesis who had taken control of various JLA members. They decided to make the team permanent, and became known as the Teen Titans.
DC Comics Presents #26 introduced a team of new Titans, anchored by founding members Robin, Wonder Girl and Kid Flash, soon followed by The New Teen Titans #1 (November 1980).
It re-introduced the Doom Patrol's Beast Boy as Changeling and introduced the machine man Cyborg, the alien Starfire and the dark empath Raven. Raven, an expert manipulator, formed the group to fight her demonic father Trigon and the team remained together thereafter as a group of young adult heroes.
You probably should really read one of these if you want to unravel what happens with the various titles in these years. New Teen Titans, New Teen titans v2, Titans, Tales of the Teen Titans.. it gets confusing.
We have here
1988-1996 The New Titans v1 050-130 (After NTT v2 049)
1989 Secret Origins v2 46-JLA New Titans v2 LOSH
1992 Titans Sell-Out Special
1992-1994 Team Titans v1
1994 Damage Zero aka Damage 06b (10-1994)
1994 The New Titans v1 Zero aka 114b (10-1994)
1994-1996 Damage
1996 Arsenal Special 001
1998 Arsenal
Sample Covers
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Sample Cover
Sample Cover
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Sample Cover
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