
Galactus the Devourer smokebogey h33t

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Name:Galactus the Devourer smokebogey h33t torrent

Total Size: 70.84 MB

Seeds: 1

Leechers: 4

Downloaded: 17

Torrent added: 2009-08-20 17:22:46

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Galactus the Devourer smokebogey h33t (Size: 70.84 MB) (Files: 7)

 Galactus Devourer 1.cbz

16.32 MB

 Galactus Devourer 2.cbz

9.29 MB

 Galactus Devourer 3.cbz

9.65 MB

 Galactus Devourer 4.cbz

9.27 MB

 Galactus Devourer 5.cbz

9.71 MB

 Galactus Devourer 6.cbz

16.59 MB


0.02 KB

Torrent description

Galactus is a fictional comic-book character, a cosmic entity in the Marvel Comics universe. Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby as an antagonist for the Fantastic Four, the character first appeared in the comic book Fantastic Four #48 (Mar. 1966),

Galactus is considered one of the three essential entities within the Marvel Universe alongside Eternity and Death and has been referred to as the "third force of the universe." Eternity and Death consider Galactus a peer and a sibling, with Death actually referring to Galactus on one occasion as "husband, father, brother, and son." In the prime Marvel Universe, Galactus is one of the three beings that has representation on one of the faces of the Living Tribunal, with each face representing one of the essential forces of reality.

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Galactus the Devourer guest stars The Kree, The Shi'ar, The Imperial Guard, The Starjammers, The Fantastic Four and The Avengers! The entire universe trembles before the might of Galactus, a god gone mad! In order to save Earth, a reluctant Silver Surfer has once again become the herald of Galactus! And to make matters worse, the Surfer is leading him directly to the Shi'ar homeworld!

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