Best of Marvel Comics Presents Ghost Rider smokebogey h33t
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The first volume was released on a biweekly basis and lasted for 175 issues. Each issue had four eight-page stories, of which generally two were episodes in ongoing serials and two were one-episode stories. The one-episode stories generally featured obscure or little-seen characters from the Marvel universe.
The original plan was for the lead story to feature different members of the X-Men in solo adventures lasting between eight and ten episodes. The first ten issues featured Wolverine, others to be featured were Colossus, Cyclops, Havok and Excalibur. From issue 39 onwards, Wolverine was featured as the lead story in all issues. Later Ghost Rider was added to the series as "co-lead" feature and the book adopted a "flip-book" format, thereby allowing each of the two characters cover billing. Eventually other characters, such as Man-Thing and Lunatik, got cover billing.
This torrent was inspired by Nerone's X-Men chronology. I noticed that his issues of MCP had all non mutant material removed. I thought to myself, why not take it one step farther and combine every multipart story into one volume? So I did.
Ghost Rider appears in 10 stories (the one with Cable was reprinted as a one-shot, called Servants of the Dead), covering 56 isssues. He also appears in BoMCP - Wolverine, specifically in MCP - 064-072 - Wolverine, and MCP - 100-100 - Wolverine.
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