Windows - Sound Editing
PCDJ DEX v1 0 6536 NULL rar Data Force NeT
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/|_|__|_ PCDJ DEX 1.0.6536 _|__|_|
| | (c) Digital 1 Media | |
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| .. |
| .. filename : : type ...... util |
| August 30, 2008 ...... date : : language .. english |
| Windows ........ os : : disks ..... 5 |
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| ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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| description |
.:. .:.
:.:. PCDJ DEX is a computer mixing program for both beginning .:.:
`..: and professional DJ's. Mix your mp3, ogg, wma, flac, wav :..'
files or audio cd's easily on any configuration. PCDJ DEX
is all you need to get started and become a DJ! For all of
the PCDJ, old school customers, you'll love the Classic
Red 5.2 Mode! Complete with the original Red 5.2 skin. You
can even import your old Red 5.2 recordcase!
__ __
; | Unpack and install. | ;
___| Copy contents of Crack to the installation dir. |___
/|_| Enjoy. |_|
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:... .. .. ...:
.:.:..: :.: Quality over Quantity! :.: :..:.:.
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