
World of Goo v1 30

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Name:World of Goo v1 30 torrent

Total Size: 66.97 MB

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Downloaded: 266

Torrent added: 2010-07-06 06:35:16

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World of Goo v1 30 (Size: 66.97 MB) (Files: 2)

 World of Goo

66.97 MB


1.24 KB

Torrent description

World of Goo is a multiple award winning physics based puzzle / construction game made entirely by two guys. Drag and drop living, squirming, talking, globs of goo to build structures, bridges, cannonballs, zeppelins, and giant tongues. The millions of Goo Balls that live in the beautiful World of Goo are curious to explore, but they don\'t know that they are in a game, or that they are extremely delicious.

I\'ve included the GooTool; GooTool is a utility to extend your World of Goo experience, enabling you to install and uninstall new levels and mods, backup and restore your profile + changing the language and the resolution.

You can download new levels, mods and tools @

Available Languages:

English, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Esperanto, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Polish, Portugese, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Toki Pona, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.

Minimum System Requirements:

- Mac OSX 10.4 or newer
- 1.0 GHz or faster Intel or PPC processor (2.0 GHz recommended)
- 512 MB or more RAM
- 3D graphics accelerator
- OpenGL 1.1 or newer

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