Wiley Linux Bible 2007 Edition Mar 2007 pdf
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* This resource serves as the perfect transition tool for anyone coming from Windows or Macintosh who wants to use Linux as a desktop system and needs to choose which distribution is best for them
* Updated with coverage of the exciting new Linux distributions Ubuntu, Mepis, and Arch Linux
* A new section examines the most practical uses for Linux, including making a computer child-safe, getting certified for a career in Linux, and learning to program with Linux
* Explores such various topics as the newest features of the latest Fedora, SUSE and Debian distributions, cool multimedia applications, the latest in instant messaging, bittorrent, and improved security techniques
* The DVD allows users to boot from either Fedora 6 or from KNOPPIX, while someone with an old PC can boot a mini-live CD that also contains a Debian install; ten different Linux distributions are included