
Porcupine Tree Futile FLAC Lossless

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Name:Porcupine Tree Futile FLAC Lossless torrent

Total Size: 295.07 MB

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Torrent added: 2009-08-29 22:23:17

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Torrent Files List

Porcupine Tree Futile FLAC Lossless (Size: 295.07 MB) (Files: 12)

 01 - Strip The Soul (Edit).flac

29.67 MB

 02 - Orchidia.flac

23.51 MB

 03 - Futile.flac

44.14 MB

 04 - Drown With Me.flac

39.06 MB

 05 - Hatesong (live).flac

60.90 MB

 06 - Blackest Eyes (Live at XM Radio).flac

30.78 MB

 07 - Death Whispered A Lullaby (Opeth).flac

37.63 MB

 08 - Chloroform.flac

29.38 MB

 Futile - Porcupine Tree.m3u

0.54 KB


1.33 KB

 Porcupine Tree.log

2.17 KB

 Torrent downloaded from

0.05 KB

Torrent description

Band: Porcupine Tree
Album: Futile
Year: July 2003
Rate: Flac

1. Strip The Soul - edit (4:30) Edited version of In Absentia album track
2. Orchidia (3:27) 2003 band recording. Commercially unavailable (mp3 available on PT website).
3. Futile (6:06) May 2003 new recording. Commercially unavailable.
4. Drown With Me (5.24) Previously issued on In Absentia European edition bonus CD.
5. Hatesong - live (8:40) Recorded live in Philadelphia, 26 Jul 2002 (previously available as an mp3 download from PT website)
6. Blackest Eyes - live at XM radio (4.26) Taken from XM CD
7. Death Whispered A Lullaby (5:49) Taken from Opeth "Damnation" CD - track co-written and produced by SW
8. Chloroform
Steven Wilson: guitar, vocals
Richard Barbieri: keyboards, electronics
Colin Edwin: bass
Gavin Harrison: drums

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