
War Of The Worlds The Extinctive Cut CBB fanedit DVD

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Name:War Of The Worlds The Extinctive Cut CBB fanedit DVD torrent

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Torrent added: 2009-08-29 15:01:59

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War Of The Worlds The Extinctive Cut CBB fanedit DVD (Size: 4.25 GB) (Files: 1)


4.25 GB

Torrent description

!!!This is a fanedit. It was created for fun by fans and not profit. If you have a problem with that, don't bother commenting!!!

[color=Red]W A R _ O F _ T H E _ W O R L D S _ - _ T H E _ E X T I N C T I V E _ C U T[/color]

This is WAR OF THE WORLDS for the 21st century, re-edited for an improved watching exeriences for those who were not entirely happy with the original. This version comes with a choice of 2 endings (one being drastically different), no antique voice-overs, faster pacing, plot corrections, no Harlan Ogilvy and no Robbie resurrection.

original film name: War Of The Worlds
new film name : War Of The Worlds – The Extinctive Cut
film studio name : Dreamworks, Paramount
edit crew name : CBB
Date Original Film Was Released : 2005
Date Edit Was Released : v.1: 01/24/2006 v.2: 07/26/2009
Original Runtime : 116 minutes
New Runtime : 98 / 101 minutes
Amount of time Cut/Added : EC: 21 minutes cut 3 minutes added – PC: 15 minutes cut

Fanedit details:
The audience gets a choice for 2 endings in the beginnings (done through seamless branching):
The extinctive cut ending is the drastically new ending for the movie, in which we fight back.
The purist ending contains the micro organisms ending, but no Robbie Resurrection or final voice over.

in both versions there is no Harlan Ogilvy and lots of other minor changes to correct the plot and improve the pacing.

This is the full DVD version. It can also be found on [url] [/url] through RS.

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find out more about fanedits here:
[url] [/url]

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